Kingman Presbyterian Church (EPC)
A humble family of sojourners who have found the way to eternal life in Jesus Christ. We are proud of our spiritual heritage, our outreach to the “end of the street and the ends of the earth,” and our outlook on the future as we look forward to Christ’s return.
The Word of God is our rule for faith and practice, and our vision is to show how the Gospel of Jesus Christ can make a difference in people’s lives. In a turbulent and uncertain world, we are “A PLACE TO CALL HOME.”
We invite you to visit us on any Sunday and get to know us better.
Denominational Affiliation
KPC is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), a denomination of more than 600 churches that subscribe to the orthodox doctrines of the Christian faith.
The EPC subscribes to the Westminster Confession of Faith and to a document called the “Essentials.” See this list of essential beliefs of the Christian faith above under the category “Our Beliefs.”
The EPC is committed to church planting across the United States and around the world. For additional information about the EPC go to the web site at
Sunday Services
Adult Sunday School
9:00 am – Sanctuary
Children Sunday School
9:00 am – Fellowship Hall
9:45 am – Fellowship Time
10:30 am – Sunday Service
Office Hours
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 9-2 pm
Wednesday: 9-2 pm
Thursday: 9-2 pm
Friday: 9-2 pm