In God we trustStaff

Pastor Joe Tolin Jr.
Pastor Joe is a graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and spent time at The Master’s Seminary. He has served churches in the southeast, the Midwest, and the western United States. Pastor Joe believes that the church grows best when the pastor focuses on expository preaching with practical application. He is readily available for counseling, personal discipleship, and questions about the Bible. He and his wife, Dani, are thrilled to be at KPC and in Kingman. They both love to be outdoors and explore. They have three adult children and two grandchildren.

Rev. Grif Vautier
Pastor Emeritus

Grahame Measor
Audio Visual Tech
Grahame Measor, Born in England, My Father was a Dairy Farmer and committed Christian. My primary Education was at the Church of England primary School, when it was still Christian. Graduated Collage as an Electrical Engineer, worked in the electronics industry for more than 40 years. Retired in 2016 and moved to Kingman permanently. I’m an avid reader of theology books and have a reformed prospective of Christianity.
Michelle Bastian
Church Secretary
Michelle and her husband Ken moved to Kingman in 2019 after his retirement. Michelle and Ken joined KPC in 2021 and have been active members ever since. Working as the church secretary is a position Michelle loves. Michelle and Ken together have 7 children and 12 grandchildren

Patty Young
Worship Music Leader

Sherri Cullison
Sherri is a Kingman native and has been married to Ray (audio/visual manager) for 40 years and had 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Sherri has served as music director for several churches which included being the leader of praise bands, church pianist, and choir director. Sherri has also participated in many church citywide events as a guest music director, including Israel and Ireland. Sherri is a published Christian author and her and husband Ray have both spoken around the world sharing the message of hope.